
FreshDirect D2C Campaign

Create a set of Facebook ads and landing pages for a direct-to-consumer campaign.

Marketing Design
May 10, 2024

Project Brief

FreshDirect, a pioneering leader in the Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) market, has always been at the forefront of delivering fresh, high-quality groceries directly to the doorsteps of its customers. With its latest venture, "FreshDirect @ the Office," the brand seeks to revolutionize workplace dining by offering convenient, healthy, and delicious meal options tailored for the busy professional.

As an Agency Brand Designer, your mission is to craft a visually compelling and strategically targeted Facebook campaign that highlights the convenience, variety, and health benefits of FreshDirect's offerings, making "FreshDirect @ the Office" the go-to choice for office meals.

The campaign's objective is to engage office managers and employees alike, encouraging them to consider FreshDirect as more than just a home grocery service but as a comprehensive solution for office meals that are both nutritious and convenient. Your creative output will need to resonate with the target audience's desire for efficiency, health, and taste, seamlessly blending these elements into the narrative of each ad and landing page.

Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.

Reference Video

Reference Images

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Image Disclaimer: The images used on this website may be subject to copyright, and are used under the doctrine of 'Fair Use' for the purpose of education, research, and teaching. We do not claim ownership of these images, and all rights belong to their respective owners.


Target Audience

Office Managers
Decision-makers responsible for office supplies and employee well-being. Value convenience and efficiency.
Health-Conscious Employees
Employees interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, even at work. Prefer fresh, nutritious meal options.

Stuff To Create

Below is a list of suggested deliverables that could be created.

Facebook Ads

Create a range of image ratios: wide, square, tall. Be sure to highlight convenience, variety, and health benefits in with visually appealing and engaging copy. Focus on vibrant, high-quality images of the meals, possibly in an office setting, to create a direct connection with the target environment. Keep the copy concise but powerful, emphasizing the ease of integrating FreshDirect into daily work routines.

Landing Pages

Reflects the ad's theme and messaging. Include a heading, hero copy, compelling imagery with a form to "Get Started" or learn more. Ensure consistency in design and messaging with the Facebook Ads to provide a seamless user experience. Use persuasive headings and hero copy that address common pain points, such as lack of time for healthy meal prep or dissatisfaction with current office meal options. The form should be straightforward, encouraging visitors to sign up or inquire with minimal hassle.


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Working With Ad Platforms

Many marketing teams use online ad platforms to distribute their advertising campaigns across the internet. Companies such as AdRoll enable businesses of all sizes to circulate ads in multiple sizes. It is important to keep in mind the different formats of online ads, ranging from tall and skinny to long and narrow, when designing an ad campaign. Below is a list of typical ad sizes to consider:

  • Medium Rectangle: 300px X 250px
  • Half Page: 300px X 600px
  • Leaderboard: 728px X 90px
  • Mobile Leaderboard: 320px X 50px
  • Wide Skyscraper: 160px X 600px
  • Billboard: 970px X 250px

More Info about AdRoll formats ->

5-Tips for Landing Pages

Remember, landing pages are webpage specifically created to capture leads from ad campaign clicks. They're sole intention is for website visitors to convert.

  1. Use a clear and concise headline that communicates the value proposition.
  2. Include a prominent call-to-action (CTA) that stands out from the rest of the page.
  3. Make sure the page is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.
  4. Use social proof, such as customer testimonials or reviews, to build credibility.
  5. Keep the user flow in mind, leading the user from the headline to the CTA in a logical and intuitive manner.

Things to remember when creating packaging.
  1. Prioritize simplicity and clarity: Your packaging design should clearly communicate what the product is and what it offers. Keep the design simple and avoid cluttered or confusing layouts that could turn potential customers away. Use fonts and colors that are easy to read and understand.
  2. Focus on your target audience: Consider the preferences of your target audience. Use colors, fonts, and imagery that will appeal to their interests and make the product more attractive to them. For example, if your target audience is children, you may want to use bright and playful colors, whereas if your target audience is adults, you may want to use more sophisticated and subtle tones.
  3. Stand out on the shelf: With so many products competing for attention on store shelves, it's important to make your packaging design stand out. Use eye-catching colors, unique design elements, and creative copy to grab the attention of potential customers. Consider incorporating distinctive brand elements, such as logos or taglines, to help build brand recognition and loyalty.

Working with Social Media Platforms

Whether it's a post's graphic or on-platform ads, there are several factors to consider in order to make a big impact:

  • Consider the platform's UI: Every social media platform has its own unique design, so it's important to consider how this might impact your graphic design.
  • Confirm the platform's image specs: Always confirm the platforms you'll be using and verify their preferred image specifications. This will ensure that your graphics are optimized for each platform and will look their best.
  • Consider the caption: Think about what will be said in the caption to avoid repeating the same words in your graphic. The graphic and caption should work together to deliver a cohesive and impactful message.
  • Include brand information: Always include brand information, such as your logo or company name, in your graphics in case they end up leaving the platform. This will help ensure that your brand is still recognizable even if the graphic is shared elsewhere.
  • Be exploratory: Social media is an ever-changing and unpredictable landscape, so don't be afraid to try new or bold ideas for your graphics. This can help your company stand out and make a lasting impression on your audience.

Stuff To Practice

Each creative brief is crafted to help you refine some crucial abilities and skills of any marketing or brand designer.

Concept Presentation
Concept presentation refers to the process of presenting and communicating design ideas and concepts to clients or stakeholders. For a marketing designer, concept presentation is an important aspect of the design process as it allows them to effectively communicate their ideas, receive feedback, and make adjustments to ensure the final design meets the needs and expectations of the target audience. Effective concept presentation skills are key to a successful design outcome and a happy client.
Ideation & Execution
Ideation & Execution refers to the process of coming up with creative ideas and then turning those ideas into actual designs. For a marketing designer, ideation & execution is a critical aspect of their role as they must not only generate creative ideas but also bring them to life in a way that effectively communicates the intended message and meets the needs of the target audience.

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Image Disclaimer: The images used on this website may be subject to copyright, and are used under the doctrine of 'Fair Use' for the purpose of education, research, and teaching. We do not claim ownership of these images, and all rights belong to their respective owners.
Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.
Created by George Little