
Web3 NFT Brand

Brand cleanup, slide-deck, and website design for an NFT startup.

Marketing Design
February 27, 2023

Project Brief

Your agency has been hired to create a brand for a web3 NFT startup called MintyChain. MintyChain's main product is an NFT aggregator call Gator, that enables users to buy hundreds of NFTs at once based on average floor prices. The product has been fairly successful, leading to a growth in the company's team from 5 to 30 people. MintyChain also has other NFT and web3-based projects in the pipeline.

The current logo was created by the founder of the company, who admitted during a recent meeting that it was made quickly and is too NFT-specific. Since MintyChain's products are expanding beyond just NFTs, the logo should address a wider web3 audience. The first task is to revise the logo and build a brand around it.

To support the launch of its new products, MintyChain has a go-to-market strategy that involves fast-paced pitches, event-based marketing, and Twitter-based marketing. The agency's brand assets will need to be tailored to support these initiatives and help MintyChain stand out in a crowded market.

The client has requested several major brand assets, including a logo and basic brand guide, an 8-slide deck, and a marketing website with several pages. The most important goal is to create a brand that is memorable and delightful, while also supporting MintyChain's go-to-market strategy.

Existing Logo:

Slide Deck Content:

  1. Cover slide: Title, date, and presenters' names
  2. Introduction: Overview of the presentation and what the audience can expect to learn
  3. Founding story: Brief history of MintyChain and how it got started:
    MintyChain was founded in Portland, Oregon in 2021 by a group of passionate entrepreneurs with a vision for transforming the world of NFTs and web3 technologies. Frustrated with the lack of accessible and affordable ways to purchase NFTs, the team set out to create a platform that would allow users to easily buy and sell NFTs based on average floor prices.
  4. Team slide: Introducing key members of the MintyChain team and their roles
  5. Product 1: Overview of MintyChain's flagship product, an NFT aggregator that allows users to buy hundreds of NFTs at once based on average floor prices
  6. Product 2: Overview of another NFT-based project currently in the works
  7. Product 3: Overview of a web3-based project currently in the works
  8. Differentiators: How MintyChain's products stand out from the competition
  9. Market opportunity: The potential market size and opportunity for growth
  10. Go-to-market strategy: Overview of MintyChain's strategy for launching and promoting its products, including fast-paced pitches, event-based marketing, and Twitter-based marketing
  11. Investment opportunity: Summary of MintyChain's funding status and plans for future investment
  12. Contact information: How to get in touch with MintyChain for more information

Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.

Reference Video

Reference Images

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Image Disclaimer: The images used on this website may be subject to copyright, and are used under the doctrine of 'Fair Use' for the purpose of education, research, and teaching. We do not claim ownership of these images, and all rights belong to their respective owners.

Feature Image: Rick Rothenberg
Reference Images: 1: Nathan Watson, 2: Simon Lee

Target Audience


Stuff To Create

Below is a list of suggested deliverables that could be created.

Updated Logo and Brand Guide
  • Create a new logo based on the existing design.
  • Propose new colors, font styles, and brand elements.
  • Create compelling and exciting graphics that represent blockchain and the NFT ecosystem.
Slide Deck

Create a visually appealing and engaging presentation that showcases MintyChain's products and business strategy

  • Establish a slide layout for common elements like the logo and page numbers
  • Be sure to include all elements outlined in the description above.
  • Embellish the deck and information with compelling, eye-catching visuals.

Marketing Website

Design a few key pages of a marketing website for MintyChain.

  • Homepage, Gator Product Page, About/Team Page, Blog
  • The website should be visually striking and rely on graphics to convey complex ideas.
  • The site needs to include a navigation system, footer, and call-to-action on every page.

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Working with Logos

Whether your tasked with creating a new logo or refining an existing logo, here are a few things to remember:

  • Understand the brand: A logo should accurately represent the brand and its values. Before creating or refining a logo, take the time to understand the brand, its target audience, and its values.
  • Keep it simple and timeless: A good logo should be simple, easy to recognize, and timeless. Avoid complex designs and trendy elements that may quickly become outdated.
  • Consider scalability and versatility: Your logo should be easily scalable, meaning it can be resized without losing its quality or legibility. It should also be versatile enough to be used across different mediums, from business cards to billboards.

If you're working on a lock-up with another company's logo, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep the balance: A lock-up is a combination of two logos used together in a design. When doing a lock-up with another company's logo, make sure the design is balanced and visually appealing. Avoid overpowering one logo with the other.
  • Maintain brand consistency: A lock-up should maintain the brand identity of both companies. Make sure the colors, fonts, and overall design of the lock-up aligns with both companies' brand guidelines.
  • Consider the target audience: The lock-up should be tailored to the target audience of both companies. Make sure the lock-up resonates with the audience and conveys the intended message.
Designing Slide Decks
  1. Know your audience: Understand who your audience is, what their needs and pain points are, and what kind of information they're looking for. Tailor your messaging and design to their specific needs and interests.
  2. Keep it simple and concise: Your sales deck should be easy to understand and to the point. Avoid cluttering your slides with too much text or unnecessary graphics. Use visuals and diagrams to help explain complex concepts.
  3. Use a consistent design: Use a consistent color palette, font, and layout throughout your sales deck to create a professional and polished look. A consistent design can also help reinforce your brand identity and make it easier for your audience to follow along.
  4. End with a clear call to action: Make sure you have a clear call to action at the end of your sales deck, such as a request for a meeting or a trial. Provide contact information so your audience can easily get in touch with you.
Typical Website Breakpoints

Well designed websites need to consider many devices and screen widths. In order to show stakeholders what a website will look like on a desktop or laptop, tablet, and mobile device, designers typically use "breakpoints" for each group.

  • Wide Desktop: > 1281px
  • Standard Desktop: 992px - 1280px
  • Tablet: 991px - 768px
  • Mobile Landscape: 767px - 480px
  • Mobile Portrait: < 479px

Stuff To Practice

Each creative brief is crafted to help you refine some crucial abilities and skills of any marketing or brand designer.

Brand Consistency
Brand consistency refers to maintaining a consistent look, feel, tone, and messaging across all elements of a company's visual and written communication. It helps build recognition, trust, and a professional image with customers and reinforces the company's message, making it easier to stand out in the marketplace.
Brand Refinement
Brand refinement refers to the process of continually improving and updating a company's brand to keep it relevant and consistent. For a marketing designer, brand refinement is important because it helps ensure that all customer-facing materials accurately reflect the company's brand and message and remain consistent over time. This helps build recognition and trust with customers, reinforcing the company's image and ensuring its continued success.
Ideation & Execution
Ideation & Execution refers to the process of coming up with creative ideas and then turning those ideas into actual designs. For a marketing designer, ideation & execution is a critical aspect of their role as they must not only generate creative ideas but also bring them to life in a way that effectively communicates the intended message and meets the needs of the target audience.
Type Pairing & Styling
Type pairing & styling refers to the selection and combination of different fonts and styles in a design. For a marketing designer, type pairing & styling is an important aspect of design as it helps create a visual hierarchy and reinforce the intended tone and message of the design. The right type pairing & styling can make a design more impactful and memorable, helping to engage and inform the target audience.

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Image Disclaimer: The images used on this website may be subject to copyright, and are used under the doctrine of 'Fair Use' for the purpose of education, research, and teaching. We do not claim ownership of these images, and all rights belong to their respective owners.
Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.
Created by George Little