
Sales Resources Page

Create a resources page for a company website where case studies, news, and events can be showcased.

Marketing Design
February 27, 2023

Project Brief

As a member of the internal marketing team at EY, you have been tasked with creating a Resources Page for enterprise customers interested in technology and sustainable futures, a key sector for EY. This page will serve as a digital "leave behind" and supplement sales presentations and pitches. It will be hosted on the EY website but only accessible via private link, and will not be publicly available. Its intended to be sent to prospects following a sales call or presentation.

The Resources Page should include information such as case studies, blog posts, industry news, and upcoming events hosted or participated in by EY, most of which already existing online. The page should be easy to navigate, with options to arrange or filter content by type or publication date. A hero section should be included to showcase the most recent or featured content. It's important that the page is not overwhelming and functions well on mobile devices. The overall goal of the page is to provide easy access to information relevant.

According to the team's technologist, only two pages are needed to build the system: an index page and a template page that will populate the content for each case study, blog, etc. The marketing director has emphasized the importance of aligning the page with the EY brand while incorporating new ideas and layouts. Additionally, the creative director has asked for ideas or options for reducing the overall visual noise, introducing iconography, and finding better images solutions that don't rely on stock-like images.

Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.

Reference Video

Reference Images

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Image Disclaimer: The images used on this website may be subject to copyright, and are used under the doctrine of 'Fair Use' for the purpose of education, research, and teaching. We do not claim ownership of these images, and all rights belong to their respective owners.

Feature Image: EY

Target Audience

Corporate Clients
This includes large multinational corporations, mid-sized businesses, and start-ups. EY provides these clients with services such as financial auditing, tax planning, and consulting on M&A transactions.
Government Organizations
EY provides services such as performance improvement consulting, IT advisory, and risk management services to government agencies and departments at the local, state, and federal levels.

Stuff To Create

Below is a list of suggested deliverables that could be created.

Resources Index Page
  • Design a main resources page to showcase all content
  • The page will serve as the launch point for each content type
  • Include a compelling hero with new or pinned content
  • Grid, gallery, or list of content
  • Ability to search, filter, and view items.
  • The page should be designed to work well on both desktop and mobile.
Resources Item Page
  • Design a template to display each content item
  • The page's design should change dynamically based on the content type (blog vs case study, etc)
  • Consider styling the following content types as an example: Case study, blog post, news, etc
  • The page should be designed to work well on both desktop and mobile.

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Typical Website Breakpoints

Well designed websites need to consider many devices and screen widths. In order to show stakeholders what a website will look like on a desktop or laptop, tablet, and mobile device, designers typically use "breakpoints" for each group.

  • Wide Desktop: > 1281px
  • Standard Desktop: 992px - 1280px
  • Tablet: 991px - 768px
  • Mobile Landscape: 767px - 480px
  • Mobile Portrait: < 479px
Selecting Iconography
  • Don't reinvent the wheel -> Using icon libraries isn't cheating.
  • Iconography should be simple and easily recognizable at small sizes.
  • When using iconography across multiple platforms or designs, keep the style and color consistent to maintain a cohesive visual identity.
  • The icon should be easily understood in the context in which it is used. For example, a shopping cart icon is commonly used to indicate a shopping feature on a website.
  • Use recognizable symbols and metaphors that have been established in popular culture, such as a magnifying glass for search or a pencil for editing.

Stuff To Practice

Each creative brief is crafted to help you refine some crucial abilities and skills of any marketing or brand designer.

Brand Consistency
Brand consistency refers to maintaining a consistent look, feel, tone, and messaging across all elements of a company's visual and written communication. It helps build recognition, trust, and a professional image with customers and reinforces the company's message, making it easier to stand out in the marketplace.
Concept Presentation
Concept presentation refers to the process of presenting and communicating design ideas and concepts to clients or stakeholders. For a marketing designer, concept presentation is an important aspect of the design process as it allows them to effectively communicate their ideas, receive feedback, and make adjustments to ensure the final design meets the needs and expectations of the target audience. Effective concept presentation skills are key to a successful design outcome and a happy client.
Ideation & Execution
Ideation & Execution refers to the process of coming up with creative ideas and then turning those ideas into actual designs. For a marketing designer, ideation & execution is a critical aspect of their role as they must not only generate creative ideas but also bring them to life in a way that effectively communicates the intended message and meets the needs of the target audience.
Iconography design is the creation of symbols and graphical elements used to represent ideas, concepts, or objects. As a marketing designer, iconography plays a crucial role in helping to simplify complex information and make it easily understandable, making it an important aspect of creating effective and engaging marketing materials.

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Image Disclaimer: The images used on this website may be subject to copyright, and are used under the doctrine of 'Fair Use' for the purpose of education, research, and teaching. We do not claim ownership of these images, and all rights belong to their respective owners.
Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.
Created by George Little