
Retail Investing Case Study

Design the layout and graphics for a written case study about retail investors.

Marketing Design
February 27, 2023

Project Brief

As part of the internal marketing design team, you have been tasked with creating a visually appealing, multi-page case study that showcases Robinhood's impact on the stock trading industry.

The case study has already been written by the copywriting team and follows the format of Company Context, Problem, and Solution. Your job is to take the prewritten content and transform it into a marketable design that can be viewed on desktop and mobile devices and printed on standard US-Letter sized paper.

The copywriting team has requested that you include a product UI-mockup of the Robinhood interface to highlight key takeaways from the solution. They also want the benefits section to include a call-to-action and accompanying iconography for visual appeal.

Case Study Content:

"Breaking Barriers: How Robinhood Empowered Retail Investors to Take Control of Their Finances."

"The stock trading industry was forever changed by the introduction of Robinhood, the commission-free trading platform that made investing accessible to everyone. With its simple, user-friendly interface and innovative features, Robinhood empowered retail investors to take control of their finances and participate in the stock market like never before."

"Robinhood is a commission-free stock trading platform that was founded in 2013. It was created with the mission of democratizing access to the financial markets by making it easy and affordable for everyone to invest in stocks."

"Before Robinhood, retail investors faced significant barriers to entry when it came to trading stocks. High commission fees, complicated user interfaces, and limited access to certain investments made it difficult for the average person to participate in the stock market."

"Robinhood revolutionized the stock trading industry by offering commission-free trades and a simple, user-friendly app that made it easy for anyone to buy and sell stocks. They also offered fractional shares, allowing investors to invest in companies they otherwise couldn't afford to purchase."


  • Commission-free trades: By eliminating commission fees, Robinhood made it possible for retail investors to save money and keep more of their profits.
  • Access to a wider range of investment opportunities: Through fractional shares and a user-friendly platform, Robinhood made it easy for people to invest in companies they otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford.
  • Simplified investing experience: With an intuitive design and straightforward features, Robinhood made it simple for anyone, regardless of their prior experience, to start trading and building their portfolios.

Robinhood Media Kit: https://press.robinhood.com/

Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.

Reference Video

Reference Images

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Feature Image: Robinhood Financial

Target Audience

Retail Investors
This group includes individuals who are looking to invest in the stock market for the first time or have limited investment experience. They are attracted to Robinhood's commission-free trading and user-friendly platform, which makes investing accessible and affordable.
Cost-conscious Investors
This group includes experienced investors who are looking to save money on trading fees. They are drawn to Robinhood's commission-free model and may also appreciate the platform's features and design, which make it a viable alternative to traditional brokerage services.

Stuff To Create

Below is a list of suggested deliverables that could be created.

Designed Case Study

The document should be laid-out on a single or multiple US-letter sized sheets and needs to include the following:

  • All of the copy in the Content
  • Robinhood's branding
  • Imagery of the app's UI
  • Footer: Company name and website
Slide Format
  • Adapt the design of print case studies for presentations by converting them into a slide format
  • You may need to reduce or rearrange the original content to make it more concise
  • The slide format suggests it will be presented live, so shift the focus from capturing every detail to effectively conveying the impact of the solution
  • Ideally limited to 3-slides


helpful bits

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Selecting Iconography
  • Don't reinvent the wheel -> Using icon libraries isn't cheating.
  • Iconography should be simple and easily recognizable at small sizes.
  • When using iconography across multiple platforms or designs, keep the style and color consistent to maintain a cohesive visual identity.
  • The icon should be easily understood in the context in which it is used. For example, a shopping cart icon is commonly used to indicate a shopping feature on a website.
  • Use recognizable symbols and metaphors that have been established in popular culture, such as a magnifying glass for search or a pencil for editing.
Case Study Tips

Designing Case Studies isn't rocket science, in-fact is pretty straight forward. The key to a successful case study design is embellishing the written content with visual aides. Case studies are written in a specific manner to setup a problem and show how a company or organization responded to and solved said problem. As a designer of these documents, its important to reflect this structure and add imagery, icons, or other visuals to help strengthen and communicate the content and message.

Case studies can be designed in many formats and should be determined based on delivery and context. These formats include printable documents, slide decks, as well as webpages or even videos.

What's a "One Pager"?

Good Question. A one-pager is a marketing or sales document typically used in B2B or B2B2C relationships. Despite its name, it can be a single or two-page document. These documents are often sent via email after a call or at the request of another company or party. One-pagers have a narrow target audience and are created for a specific purpose, so it's important to understand who the audience is and what they care about to make the copywriting and graphics effective.

  • Keep the message focused and use visual hierarchy to guide the reader's attention to the most important information. Use clear, concise language that is easy to understand.
  • Use strong visuals, such as graphs and images, to illustrate your points and make the document more visually engaging. Use a consistent design throughout the one-pager to create a cohesive look.
  • Tailor the language and design to your specific audience. Use language that resonates with them and design elements that will appeal to them. Consider their needs and interests to make the one-pager more effective.

Stuff To Practice

Each creative brief is crafted to help you refine some crucial abilities and skills of any marketing or brand designer.

Following Brand Guidelines
Following brand guidelines means adhering to established rules for creating and implementing all visual and written elements of a company's brand. This ensures consistency and accuracy in presenting the brand, building recognition, trust and a professional image with customers.
Attention To Detail
Attention to detail is a critical aspect of design as it ensures that all content and details from the copy are captured accurately. This not only helps to clearly communicate the intended message, but also builds trust with clients or stakeholders. Neglecting attention to detail can negatively impact the brand's integrity and create a less professional, less effective marketing campaign.
Iconography design is the creation of symbols and graphical elements used to represent ideas, concepts, or objects. As a marketing designer, iconography plays a crucial role in helping to simplify complex information and make it easily understandable, making it an important aspect of creating effective and engaging marketing materials.

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Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.
Created by George Little