
Detroit Beer Packaging

Design beer cans and packaging inspired by six famous Detroit cars.

Marketing Design
February 27, 2023

Project Brief

A local brewery in Detroit, is launching a special edition set of craft beers to honor the life and legacy of famous cars manufactured by Ford and GM in Detroit. They will be producing six beers, each representing one car model, to be sold as a set of six in a single pack.

Atwater Brewery, is seeking design concepts for the individual cans as well as an innovative packaging solution for the six-pack. They would like each can to have its own unique design, highlighting one of the six car models. The designs can depict the car directly or be inspired by it, but all must have a common design language to unify the collection.

The brewery is conscious of the environmental impact and would like to use recycled materials wherever possible. Each can and packaging must include the brewery's logo, the collection name, and all necessary legal information for alcohol sales in Michigan.

The six car models to be featured in the collection are:

  • Ford Model T
  • Chevrolet Impala
  • Dodge Charger
  • Ford GT
  • Chevrolet Corvette
  • Ford Mustang
  • Pontiac GTO.

Additionally, the brewery didn't specify a name for the collection and would like suggestions as part of the concepts.

Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.

Reference Video

Reference Images

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Feature Image: YesMore Content
Reference Images: Atwater Brewery

Target Audience

Craft Beer Enthusiasts
This group consists of individuals who have a passion for unique, high-quality craft beers and are willing to pay a premium for a premium product. They are knowledgeable about brewing techniques and the history of beer-making, and they enjoy trying new, innovative flavors.
Detroit Locals
This group consists of people who have a strong connection to Detroit and are proud of its history and culture. They are interested in supporting local businesses and are attracted to products that celebrate Detroit's heritage. This group may also include tourists who are visiting the city and looking for local experiences.
English, Spanish

Stuff To Create

Below is a list of suggested deliverables that could be created.

Beer Can Design Concepts

Each beer can should showcase one of the six selected car models, incorporating a unified design language and including the brewery's logo and relevant legal information.

  • Assume 16oz beer cans
  • Include the Brewery's logo, collection name, and car name for each can.
  • Each can must include any relevant legal warnings
  • Each can must also include a barcode incase of individual sale.
Six Pack Holder or Packaging

Innovative and eco-friendly packaging designs for a set of six special edition craft beers. The packaging should be designed to hold six beers and reflect the collection's look and feel. Be sure to include or mind the following:

  • Include the Brewery's logo, collection name, and relevant legal info
  • Include space for a barcode.

helpful bits

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Things to remember when creating packaging.
  1. Prioritize simplicity and clarity: Your packaging design should clearly communicate what the product is and what it offers. Keep the design simple and avoid cluttered or confusing layouts that could turn potential customers away. Use fonts and colors that are easy to read and understand.
  2. Focus on your target audience: Consider the preferences of your target audience. Use colors, fonts, and imagery that will appeal to their interests and make the product more attractive to them. For example, if your target audience is children, you may want to use bright and playful colors, whereas if your target audience is adults, you may want to use more sophisticated and subtle tones.
  3. Stand out on the shelf: With so many products competing for attention on store shelves, it's important to make your packaging design stand out. Use eye-catching colors, unique design elements, and creative copy to grab the attention of potential customers. Consider incorporating distinctive brand elements, such as logos or taglines, to help build brand recognition and loyalty.

Working with Logos

Whether your tasked with creating a new logo or refining an existing logo, here are a few things to remember:

  • Understand the brand: A logo should accurately represent the brand and its values. Before creating or refining a logo, take the time to understand the brand, its target audience, and its values.
  • Keep it simple and timeless: A good logo should be simple, easy to recognize, and timeless. Avoid complex designs and trendy elements that may quickly become outdated.
  • Consider scalability and versatility: Your logo should be easily scalable, meaning it can be resized without losing its quality or legibility. It should also be versatile enough to be used across different mediums, from business cards to billboards.

If you're working on a lock-up with another company's logo, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Keep the balance: A lock-up is a combination of two logos used together in a design. When doing a lock-up with another company's logo, make sure the design is balanced and visually appealing. Avoid overpowering one logo with the other.
  • Maintain brand consistency: A lock-up should maintain the brand identity of both companies. Make sure the colors, fonts, and overall design of the lock-up aligns with both companies' brand guidelines.
  • Consider the target audience: The lock-up should be tailored to the target audience of both companies. Make sure the lock-up resonates with the audience and conveys the intended message.

Stuff To Practice

Each creative brief is crafted to help you refine some crucial abilities and skills of any marketing or brand designer.

Attention To Detail
Attention to detail is a critical aspect of design as it ensures that all content and details from the copy are captured accurately. This not only helps to clearly communicate the intended message, but also builds trust with clients or stakeholders. Neglecting attention to detail can negatively impact the brand's integrity and create a less professional, less effective marketing campaign.
Brand Consistency
Brand consistency refers to maintaining a consistent look, feel, tone, and messaging across all elements of a company's visual and written communication. It helps build recognition, trust, and a professional image with customers and reinforces the company's message, making it easier to stand out in the marketplace.
Concept Presentation
Concept presentation refers to the process of presenting and communicating design ideas and concepts to clients or stakeholders. For a marketing designer, concept presentation is an important aspect of the design process as it allows them to effectively communicate their ideas, receive feedback, and make adjustments to ensure the final design meets the needs and expectations of the target audience. Effective concept presentation skills are key to a successful design outcome and a happy client.
Ideation & Execution
Ideation & Execution refers to the process of coming up with creative ideas and then turning those ideas into actual designs. For a marketing designer, ideation & execution is a critical aspect of their role as they must not only generate creative ideas but also bring them to life in a way that effectively communicates the intended message and meets the needs of the target audience.
Type Pairing & Styling
Type pairing & styling refers to the selection and combination of different fonts and styles in a design. For a marketing designer, type pairing & styling is an important aspect of design as it helps create a visual hierarchy and reinforce the intended tone and message of the design. The right type pairing & styling can make a design more impactful and memorable, helping to engage and inform the target audience.

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Image Disclaimer: The images used on this website may be subject to copyright, and are used under the doctrine of 'Fair Use' for the purpose of education, research, and teaching. We do not claim ownership of these images, and all rights belong to their respective owners.
Trademark Disclaimer: The brands featured on this site are for educational and reference purposes only and are not affiliated with creativebriefs.xyz. Any events, products, brand-names, or marketing strategies are completely fictitious and don't reflect opinions or strategies of the featured brand.
Created by George Little